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Put Your Payroll on Cruise Control

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Caitlin Carragee

Most people don’t associate the process of running payroll with the concept of “flexibility.” But at SurePayroll, where our focus is entirely on small business payroll, we recognize that flexibility is not a nice-to-have for small business owners, it’s a need-to-have in all aspects of their professional lives.

With that top of mind, we are continuing to focus on product features that deliver more time for you, less time on payroll and taxes. 

Over the last six months, we introduced additional expedited payroll options in case you miss a processing deadline, same-day payroll on-demand in case you need a fast payroll outside of your standard schedule (in the case of a departing employee, for example), and the ability to cancel payroll if you make a mistake.

But still we wondered, how can we make payroll even more flexible and stress-free for small business owners? And then it hit us: imagine a world where you never have to log in to run payroll again. Where, if you have employees who make a standard salary or work a set number of hours in a given pay period, your payroll processes for you, according to your set schedule.

That world is here. We’re thrilled to introduce Auto Payroll, which allows you to put your payroll on cruise control.

How do you put your payroll on cruise control? For both hourly and salaried employees, all you’ll need to do is set up each employee with their default payroll hours and/or salaried amount and turn both Default and Auto Payroll “on.” That’s it—Auto Robo takes over from there.

What happens next? You’ll receive an email reminder about your upcoming payroll, noting that you are set up for Auto Payroll as well as the deadline to make any changes to your default payroll before it processes. When it’s time to process, Auto Robo sends your payroll through and makes sure your employees are paid on time, every time. You’ll also receive a confirmation once your payroll has processed.

What if you need to add an employee or change your default payroll? As long as you aren’t within an active processing window, you can disable Auto Payroll at any time and make updates, or choose to manually process payrolls.

Ready to let Auto Robo take payroll off your plate? Request a quote and get started with SurePayroll today.


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